- Random Thumbs
- Index Thumbs
- Random thumbs/vbadvanced
- Member gallery
- Adding random thumbs to user's profile
- Total number of images for a user?
- How can I make categories and subcategories?
- Possible to password protect categories?
- Next Image feature Please
- uploading more than one image at a time
- Random Thumbs on index
- Postbit Conditional?
- category Manager
- Setup Questions
- Information
- Google Adsense
- Photoplog asking for logon
- Is it possible to remove img/url tags?
- Memberinfo question
- Reduce width of everything? So it fits neatly and does not stick out ..
- extensions
- Hey
- image protection,
- navbar and navbits
- Change the no permission allowed page?
- Specific User Permissions
- ...Use one gallery on multiple domains
- Thumbs on memberinfo
- Edit look of memberinfo thumbs
- How do I change the up load image file size limit?
- How to install another photoplog
- moderate files, and seeing the config.php file
- categoriesand sub modification questions
- WYSIWYG Editor for Description part when Upload
- Web site title and the navigation
- Thumbnails on Forum Home
- Change number of random thumbs...
- Slideshow pro
- Multiple Picture Upload
- How to: Automatically CHMOD uploaded files.
- remove /photo/ in my Links
- Edit Font Sizes?
- Using more than 1 skin?
- Information under Random Images
- How Do I quit files moderation?
- Is this possible?
- How can I desactivate random thumbs?
- modifying subnav link variables
- Adding aditional information bits about photos
- renaming the folder?
- Random Thumbs on External Site
- How do I rename Page Title
- What does this mean "Update Categories"
- How do I removed "Posted By"?
- Changing number of thumb nails from 5 to 4?
- Default category for upload
- $photoplog_forumhome not displaying
- Rate only once?
- Forum Home Display
- catagory?
- Add Info to templates
- How can I uninstall photoplog?
- Changing Posting by xxx
- Is this Possible
- search.php?do=getnew
- how do I clean these up ?
- Left side column
- Total User Images: *
- can change upload image for URL ?
- Change author
- notification about new pictures
- original file names?
- Moderating by moderators?
- align the template int eh /gallery/
- Rating and Comments?
- Changing Name of PhotoPlog
- How to add 4 random images to my sidebar?
- Link to user gallery in vbulletin
- protect a folder - e.g admins can only upload via.
- Random Images
- forumhome and member Thumbs
- forumhome thumbs on custom page
- Disply more images at the top
- Make subcategories
- Question
- Mgmt Question
- title
- usercp_shell issue with parsing gallery links?
- Remove information under thumbs
- Remove file list?
- Editing file.php
- Removing navbar
- How do I add 'Random Thumbs' do the homepage of my forum?
- How can I show more files in home?
- photoplog lite and vb3.6.4
- URL and IMG Code bug
- Multiple rows and columns
- if statment
- Page Titles
- Any idea to localize photoplog lite into Chinese?
- Photoplog link appears in main forum navbar menu
- 2.0.6
- Easy: How do I change table prefix for photoplog?
- last comments
- Changing "Ramdom Thumbs" to a link to your gallery.
- Random Thumbs at the top of...
- I want to upgrade to Pro but I'm afraid :)
- Adding link to the navbar
- run from subdomain
- Uploads and Comments not showing
- Post new images in a thread
- How to change the number of thumbs listed in the category view?
- Back up???
- Error message when trying to upload
- Module between categories and file list.
- Non-linkable?
- Can members create their own album?
- Postbit legacy template question - Help
- Thinking of trying lite
- Suggestions (Breadcrumb, Rating)
- assigning photos to user
- Translation French
- Install help
- Template Column Widths
- Image help
- vBChat Linking Problems: 404 Not Found
- New to PhotoPlog
- fopen not permitted
- Changing position
- Display thumbs under main forum header?
- Photoplog Lite
- $photoplog_forumhome not showing
- title - yes again
- Install Help
- Can replies update the post to show it as the latest?
- Administrator Permissions?
- Forumhomesmall modification and <br /> variable
- Unable to Enter Comments and Formatting Problems
- Display another 4 random images
- Logout an connection problem
- allow moderators to moderate images
- Moderator cannot upload
- Letterbar destination
- Increase Font Size for catbit_catid?
- Photo Comment section to look like proper forum replies?
- where are images stored?
- Letter Bar
- Categories in Thumbs and Age Permissions
- Moving Photoplog from root directory... possible?
- Editing PhotoPlog Member Info Thumbs
- Safe Mode ON
- Can I let visitors see only thumbnails and not the entire image?
- Make gallery and gallery categories appear as forums and subforum?
- Thickbox or Lightbox
- Move sections around
- When opening Photoplog pages I want them to read the rules
- Turn off the ratings?
- List of users with images in Photoplog?
- Latest Uploads on forum home?
- vbShout Pro w/ Photoplog lite
- Two rows of random images ob gallery home?
- most stupid question ever, where is the photoplog admin cp ?
- Seperate Sub Categories
- img tag is showing medium size
- Forum Home Thumbnails
- need help
- Click to enlarge
- PhotoPlog - Gallery -
- Randomthumbs on Arcade home
- display more than 5 comments per page?
- File Upload and Category Create Error! Morgan Help.
- Preventing pics from being clickable
- random image and photo of the day?
- Merging IPB Gallery with PhotoPlog
- Category Manager Situation
- How Do I - Photos on FORUM_HOME Without the Photo Details?
- Random Appearance/Disappearance of Thumbnails
- display more than 5 images per page?
- 1337 Thumbnails permissions
- Photoplog 4 a dummy :How should i bring to work
- Photoplog Question
- Photoplog linking to another program
- random image in side column
- Photos under navbar
- Installation problem
- Registered users can't see Administrator uploads?
- Categories & vba thumbs
- if I get Lite, then upgrade...
- Permissions Request
- Photopost Manual Conversion
- The borders in the thumbnails
- Member Only Gallery?
- i'm feeling pretty dumb
- Question about Photoplog
- German Pack
- User Galleries
- A few questions...
- Columns instead of rows
- Adding Pics via FTP
- Blogs Link
- Is there a way to have certain 'public' categories, and some privates ?
- Check Back Later
- Username Change
- Photo preview on forum page.
- Navbar
- Hopefully last question
- Can I upload many pictures at once??
- Boardname > Photoplog (howto change photoplog?)
- Photoplog Pro to Lite
- Pull random images to php page...
- Random Thumbs Gallery on vBa CMPS?
- Thumbs on memberinfo?
- Template For Editor
- How to hide subcategories ?
- Quick question on forumhome thumbs
- photoplog_prefix help
- Small thumbs
- change File List to actual category title?
- How to mark an image as a favorite
- How Do I Allow .PNG Images?
- Specific catagory
- lite in deutsch - datei ungültig
- Editing the images in the Random Thumbs bar...
- change the "created by"-Name in pictures
- Column Width
- Sorting Issue
- Modify path
- photos not uploading
- Categorys on the Forumhome
- Adding pictures to albums?
- WaterMarking?
- set specific style for photoplog other than forum default style?
- Kleines Problem mit der LIte Version
- only one pic on forumhome [german]
- Number of comments of photo in the forum postbit
- How do I add Categories?
- Notices not working?
- Photoplog : on Portal page
- Arrange Order of Photos in Member Galleries
- List of Subcategories
- How do I make this text into a link?
- How Do I Uninstall?
- Multiple skins/Nav Bar
- How to Show Tumbnails Under Forum Navbar?
- download, edit and upload pictures
- new thread
- Can I add most recent photos to a standard HTML page?
- Photoplog to vbulletin
- How to show images under just 1 title ?