View Full Version : Display thumbs under main forum header?

05-18-2007, 10:11 AM
Hello all,
Firstly, great software!
However, I have been pulling my hair out trying to display the photoplog thumbs on my forum homepage.
Photoplog is installed in a sub folder on the forum (/photoplog), so when I put $photoplog_thumbs under $navbar in my forumdisplay template, it tries to call for $photoplog_thumbs in the current folder, not in the /photoplog folder.
Any ideas how I can get thumbs to show on my forum homepage?
Thanks in advance!

05-18-2007, 02:02 PM
PhotoPlog Lite does not have a $photoplog_thumbs variable. If you want thumbs on the FORUMHOME or MEMBERINFO pages, please check the main readme file that came with the ZIP package.
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