View Full Version : Inactive subscription = No download of paid version?

06-12-2007, 11:15 AM

i am currently waiting for the next update before buying a new subscription. But after a server-move i'd need to download the latest version (2.1.3) that was still included in my last payment.

Now the download page gives me the message that i can't download that version. Is this intended or just a restriction of the shop-software?

Because even vbulletin still allows me to download the latest version i paid the subscription-fee for. Doing this again just to be able to download a script i already use seems a bit strange to me.

06-12-2007, 01:34 PM
Hi, it has been that way since the start. Please note the following text on the payments page (http://www.photoplog.com/forum/payments.php):
Content visible to registered users only.
Plus there is the license agreement on the topic, so while I can appreciate that some sites may allow you to continually download scripts, there are other sites that have a time limit on downloads. This site falls into the latter category, providing one-year pro support and download access. However, given that you use PhotoPlog, hopefully you have a copy of it so you wouldn't have to renew to grab another copy of the same version.