View Full Version : Links not showing on Navbar

03-10-2006, 10:43 PM

I am here as requested ;)

I aint sure what to add in the link boxes, I didnt have this problem untill i
updated to the penultimate (wow what a word for this time of night :))upgrade....

Could you please advise as to what i need to put in the absolute link boxs and
relative link box please?

The errors only appear to be on dropdown links as well, see image (again lol)



Content visible to registered users only. (http://imageshack.us)

03-10-2006, 11:08 PM
You need to add things like the following to the PhotoPlog settings:

Relative Links
Content visible to registered users only.
Absolute Links
Content visible to registered users only.

Remember to add them, one per line, to the same lines in each box.

03-10-2006, 11:24 PM
Cheers Morgan...
Just trying to get my head around this...

The msn style that i am using is inside the images folder,
for example, the buttons folder for the msn style is found here....
www.bashys-place.com/forums/images/buttons_mns/ and so on, so
how would i go about adding it please?



03-11-2006, 12:06 AM
Let's assume your HTML source contains the following IMG tag:
Content visible to registered users only.
Where my_images is a directory inside your forums directory.

Then you'd add to the PhotoPlog settings like follows:

Relative Links
Content visible to registered users only.
Absolute Links
Content visible to registered users only.

Remember to add items to the same line in each box.

The premise is that you need to add items to Relative Links that need to be made into Absolute Links so things link correctly. On a fresh vB install, the default items in Relative Links, with corresponding items in Absolute Links, suffice, but for different skins and such, there may need to be more items in Relative Links, with corresponding items in Absolute Links, so things link correctly. It works this way because PhotoPlog can be installed anywhere, inside or outside the main forum directory, so PhotoPlog needs to know absolute locations. If you find something not linking correctly, the easiest thing to do is take a look at the HTML source: look for action, href, new, onclick, src, url, var, and window.location bits.