View Full Version : Basic Info

06-18-2007, 02:23 PM
1) How Much does Pro version cost?

2) How much does branding cost -- to remove link?

3) How long is the license bought?

4) Can I modify the code to suit my needs and can you help me do it?

06-18-2007, 02:36 PM
for 1,2 & 3: http://www.photoplog.com/forum/payments.php
Content visible to registered users only.
4: you can modify
with the hook system in the new version like in vb the modify will be very easy

06-18-2007, 03:24 PM
Correct, and http://www.photoplog.com/download/index.php

06-18-2007, 04:32 PM
Content visible to registered users only.Yes you can. But you may not...

Copy / Reproduce the code under your name!
Remove the Copyright. It must remain unchanged and visible at all times. Unless you purchased a branding free license!

Content visible to registered users only.Sure. Should be not a problem, Paul :) The support is the best ever. Whenever you have any probs call us. Usually it never needs more than 1 day to help you. Most of us are always online.

BTW: Congrats in purchase your PhotoPlog! You have made a good decision. I'm sure you will love it. It's simply the best!!! -Mike