View Full Version : Few questions

06-29-2007, 08:53 AM
1. Can I have random thumbs across my forum homepage across the top and big? see attached pic 1

2. Can I have a "galllery" section under the username in the show threads? See attached pic 2

3. Say I install this now and have alot of uploaded pic, how hard would that be to move it all over to another server?

4. How do you make backups of all your image uploads?

06-29-2007, 01:57 PM
1. Yes, don't think you even need to use something like vBA CMPS, though since we use it on our site I'm not totally positive without digging a bit. It's certainly doable though.
2. Yup. I think the instructions for that are in the readme that comes with 'Plog.
3. I've moved things from server to server with no major problems. All the images are stored in the file system (Photoplog/Images IIRC, though we renamed our photoplog directory "galleries"), as long as you update your config to point to the new forum directory location and copy all the files into the same relative locations you shouldn't have a problem.
4. See 3 above, backup your files and backup the database and you should be golden.

Hope that helps? We've been very happy customers, and it's just gotten better as we go :).

James and Susan

06-29-2007, 03:37 PM
1: Yes but without that rounded box though you can set CSS for the random thumbs. There is also a thread around here that describes how to change newest thumbs into random thumbs so you can have the rounded box appear if you want.

2: Yes James is correct. Instructions for that are in the main readme file that comes with the package.

3: If you move servers, you'd need to import to MySQL a backup of the PhotoPlog tables, FTP the PhotoPlog images directory and all of its sub-contents, make sure the directory permissions are correct, and update the PhotoPlog config file and ACP settings.

4: You would FTP the PhotoPlog images directory and all of its sub-contents to your local machine and make a database backup.

07-01-2007, 03:11 AM
Awesome, thanks one more question:

How hard and long will this take to install,

and how hard and long will it take to upgrade when new versions come out?

Thanks so much :)

07-01-2007, 04:17 AM
While I don't think it is neither hard nor long to install, I'm also biased, so here is a quote from another person:
Content visible to registered users only.
In short, for a new install, you need to set your server path and table prefix, FTP the files, chmod a directory, import the product, and set the ACP settings and permissions. An upgrade is similar except that you need to revert templates (check the release threads for more information as it is not always necessary to revert templates), FTP the files, import the product, and set any new ACP settings and permissions.

07-02-2007, 03:19 AM
Okay I'm just about to buy this, but can I add the pics like in the attached picture to the front page of the forum along the top for SURE?

I need to know I can do this for sure, see that attached pic of this post I need it like that at the top and random pictures.


07-02-2007, 01:15 PM
What you can add to the FORUMHOME page is shown here: http://www.photoplog.com/forum/index.php

Note the Random Thumbs strip and the Newest Thumbs strip. You can put whatever one you want on top, and you can turn off the information on the newest thumbs.

07-03-2007, 04:13 AM
These last questions will be it, sorry for all the questions:

1. So for the FORUMHOME page I can have the random thumbs across the top and don't have to have the newest thumbs? I mean I would like to have the way the newest thumbs are set out, but have them random.(I like that they are square than the round corners, I don't really like the small random strip) SEE THE ATTACHED PIC TO SEE WHAT I MEAN.

Content visible to registered users only.

2. When you install/upgrade photoplog does it change your templates? and I heard that when you have to upgrade you have to revert your templates, but the thing is is that I have a custom skin from vbstyles.com and if I had to revert a template, well things wouldn't work for the skin anymore?(This is very important question)

Thanks so much Morgan for answering all these questions, I truly appreciate it :)

07-03-2007, 05:15 PM
You can have random thumbs, newest thumbs or both on the FORUMHOME page, and to get the rounded box is as easy as setting an ACP option and editing a PhotoPlog template. As for templates, PhotoPlog has its own set. If you edit a template and then upgrade, the template does not change. However, if you want to ensure that you have the latest PhotoPlog templates, you should revert the changed PhotoPlog, not forum, templates that get listed in a new release thread posted in the Announcements forum on this site.

07-03-2007, 10:30 PM
HI Morgan, thanks, I just PURCHASED.