View Full Version : Blank Page or Warning: chdir() or Warning: main() - Why?

09-11-2007, 08:12 PM
Blank Page or Warning: chdir() or Warning: main() - Why?

Most often it means that the server path you set in the PhotoPlog config.php file is incorrect.

Copy the following into a file named whatismypath.php and FTP it into your main forum directory, then call it from your browser, and it should tell you the server path to use in the PhotoPlog config file:
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Here is an example of how the line in the PhotoPlog config file should look, where you replace /full/path/to/forum with whatever whatismypath.php tells you, no ending slash:
Content visible to registered users only.
Note: If you are using a Windows server, you may need to replace \ with / in the whatismypath.php output.