View Full Version : Ok, so now what?

09-12-2007, 05:43 PM
Really green guy here, so bare with me.

I uploaded PhotoPlog Lite to my Vbulletin site. The install appears to have gone off with out any problems.

However, I cannot see Photoplog anywhere on the leftside of the admin control panel as referenced in the README file. I'm assuming this is something that I must have missed, or just didn't do yet.

The question, what is the step by step procedure after install? I've been into "vBulletin Options" and enabled PhotoPlog, and I've also been in Plugin Manager and made everything active, but still nothing. Not even over on the regular site itself.

Thanks in advance for your support.


09-12-2007, 05:56 PM
Hard refresh your ACP index page by logging out and then logging back in, or by hitting Ctrl-F5, and then the side menu should appear. To get a gallery link in the vB navbar, find the following in the vB navbar template:
Content visible to registered users only.
And afterwards add the following:
Content visible to registered users only.

09-12-2007, 05:59 PM
Content visible to registered users only.

Tried that a few times and no change.

Content visible to registered users only.

What subsection would I find that under on the control panel?

Thanks for the quick reply!


09-12-2007, 06:07 PM
1: Make sure you FTPed the bitfield_photoplog.xml and cpnav_photoplog.xml files into your /forum/includes/xml directory, and then so another hard refresh of the ACP page.

2: ACP -> Styles & Templates -> Search in Templates

Search in Style = Search in all Styles
Search for Text = navbar
Search Titles Only = Yes
Double click navbar
Do as in post two
Also see http://www.vbulletin.com/docs/html/main/stylemanager_edit_templates

09-12-2007, 06:08 PM
Little update.

I found the Template heet, and was able to get the link into the NAVBAR. Of course now it links to a "cannot find page".

If my suspiscion is correct, that is because I haven't set the PhotoPlog Configs in the vBaCP yet, right?


09-12-2007, 06:11 PM
Did you replace YOUR-PHOTOPLOG-DIR with the actual directory name when you made the template edit?

09-12-2007, 06:11 PM
Content visible to registered users only.

Both of those files are there, and I also called the bitfieldrebuild script, no further changes.

Maybe I'm just being a jacka$$ and not looking under the right menu subcategory? There is nothing that specifically says PhotoPlog.


09-12-2007, 06:43 PM
The cpnav_photoplog.xml is what builds the PhotoPlog side menu in the ACP. The bitfield_photoplog.xml is what allows you to set PhotoPlog permissions via the Usergroup Manager. If those files are there, then the related items should show on screen. The PhotoPlog ACP side menu should appear near the top of the other side menus. Maybe when the XML files were FTPed they got corrupted. Try reFTPing them in ASCII mode, and then call http://www.your-site.com/your-forum-dir/includes/xml/cpnav_photoplog.xml from your browser to check if you see the file.

09-12-2007, 06:49 PM
Content visible to registered users only.

Did as you instructed in ASCII mode. Called the script with proper corrections and got a 404.


09-12-2007, 06:54 PM
The 404 means not found, so my guess is that wherever you are FTPing the the bitfield_photoplog.xml and cpnav_photoplog.xml files, it's not the right spot. That, or the link you used to see the XML file is incorrect. In the /forum/includes/xml directory, you should also see the bitfield_vbulletin.xml, cpnav_vbulletin.xml, and hooks_vbulletin.xml files, among others.

09-12-2007, 06:58 PM
Content visible to registered users only.

Ahh, now we might be on to something here. As I can only see the bitfield_vbulletin and cpnav_vbulletin.

Let me root around in there and see if maybe I misdirected it. I don't think so, but ya never know.


09-12-2007, 07:06 PM
Go figure, somehow my FTP client decided to just create it's own xml directory in the "includes" directory instead of moving it to the one I selected.

They are with the rest of their family now, and imagine that, the photoplog group has arrived. . . .

Thanks Morgan, I'm sure I'll be back sooner rather than later! LOL
