View Full Version : Quick question on the next version?

10-02-2007, 07:14 PM
You mention "Support for other media files" is on the list in the next version thread, can you provide any details?

We've got a bunch of things that we'd love to house in the Gallery including swf video files, pdfs, and various non image file formats (xls, fpf etc). We've actually been looking for a system to host small video snippets for tutorials etc, but if that's likely to be possible in photoplog in the not-too-distant future that would be an infinitely better solution for us. Basically we just wanted to clarify what you were thinking about, and what sort of things might be feasible for the future? Thanks!

James and Susan

10-03-2007, 02:59 AM
It's hard to be specific about such things when the code isn't yet complete, but the plan is to allow admins to specify the types of files they'd like to permit, so instead of PhotoPlog being a straight GIF, JPG, PNG gallery, it'll be a whatever you want type of gallery, server setup permitting, though a release date is not known at this point.

10-04-2007, 07:35 PM
Thanks for the clarification Morgan. It'll certainly simplify our file/documents storage, thanks!

James and Susan