View Full Version : A few questions before purchasing

10-19-2007, 11:01 AM
Hi there,

i've got a few problems with lacking features in Photoplog Lite so i'd like to ask, if i will have them with the Pro version.

My members asked for a picture upload function within comments. Makes sense to me since i am running a photography site and my members edit their pictures from time to time to enhance them. Fact is, they won't delete the original picture, instead they want to show the improved one within a comment. Is that possible with Pro? Just to make it clear, i don't mean the [IMG]-Code thing. I mean a real upload function like the attachment function from vBulletin itself.

Next thing is the custom checkbox. Is it possible to show a picture instead of text? Some of my members want to allow other members to edit their pictures. So i need for example a red X (gif or png) if they deny it and a green whatever to show them, that editing this image is allowed.

Nex point is a portfolio. My members like to have a portfolio ... is it possible with Pro?

Hope my questions will get answered =)

Cheers and thx,

Forgot something ...
Another feature i could need is the "Send me an email if someone posted a new comment" for my members. Some of them commenting lots of photos and they'd like to know if they get an answer regarding to their comment, something like the vBulletin Abonnement. Is it possible with Pro?

10-19-2007, 05:56 PM
If members upload a file and then edit the file by selecting another file to upload, the previous file is removed. There is also nothing to let members select whether their files are edited by others. One idea would be to make one category where members cannot edit others' files and one category where members can edit others' files, based on usergroup and category, but again the previous file would be removed. To see all uploads from a particular member, visit the link equivalent to http://www.photoplog.com/demo/pro/index.php?u=1 on your site; this works in lite and pro. As to emails, you as admin can set an option to have notifications on or off. A screenshot of that option is here (http://www.photoplog.com/screens/index.php?do=21).

10-19-2007, 06:52 PM
Thanks for the answer, Morgan. But i don't want the picture to be removed or replaced. Sure, the user should still have the option to remove it but i want my members to post pictures as attachments in a comment.

Let's say you're uploading a picture and i'm going to edit it. Instead of replacing your picture i'd like the one i made as an attachment in my comment.

Hope i could clear it up now :)

About the email notification .. will i get those emails or will my members get the emails? I need the option, that my members get the email. Lets say, i upload a picture (lets asume i'm a normal member) and got a comment. What happens? Will i get an email that a comment were written?

What if a member who has written a comment want a notification if someone writes another comment for the same picture?

10-20-2007, 09:56 AM
Well, i bought Pro a minute ago. Nontheless i need answers to my questions since my members require the functions i mentioned.

Again ...

- I need an attachment-function like in vBulletin-Editor to attach pictures to comments.

- I need some sort of information via email that new comments were written for a specific picture. Better said, my members should be able to subscribe to a uploaded, specific picture.

Will it be possible to implement those things? If i try it myself, will you reach me a helping hand? I'm not a coder so i really, really could need any help i can get.


10-20-2007, 03:47 PM
If a member accepts admin emails, you have Send Gallery Notices set to yes, and the comment is unmoderated, then the member who uploaded the file will receive an email about a new comment. As an example, you should have now received such an email regarding this (http://www.photoplog.com/demo/pro/index.php?n=364) file. As to the other questions, there are currently no such features in PhotoPlog.