View Full Version : Second License

10-25-2007, 04:13 PM
I have Photoplog running here and I like it so far.


I am ready to make a second purchase for my forum at


This will be map/screenshot gallery rather than photos, but I think PhotoPlog should be fine for this.

My question is - is there a discount for a second copy?

Also for updates - will I need to pay $70 next year or just once ($35) to keep access to the updates?


10-25-2007, 07:48 PM
PhotoPlog Pro is currently $35 per branded license. There are no discounts for multiple licenses. As to updates, right now access basically expires a year from the most recent purchase. This will change in the future whereby each license will have its own expiry and renewal option. If I get the licensing code completed before your expiry date, then there will be a renewal fee per license.