View Full Version : Bug Photoplog Lite 2.0.7 with vbCMPS 1.2.2

02-05-2008, 09:01 PM
Hi Morgan,

I am not only posting you on the geek site but also here :-)
I have vbCMS installed and now also photoplog lite and have a strange issue.
When I look at the photoplog product the vBCMS navigation bar is not under the vB navbar.
This is for all products the case except for photoplog lite so I think the problem is with your addon.

Can you provide a fix for this issue please?

See Screenshots

02-07-2008, 05:42 PM
If you have a PhotoPlog support question, the PhotoPlog site is where to post. Please do not contact me all over to try to bring my attention to your issue. It won't make me get to your issue any faster.

As to your issue, that is not a PhotoPlog bug. PhotoPlog is coded to work with vBulletin, just as vBa CMPS is coded to work with vBulletin. If you want the look to be the same, try making edits to the vB hell_blank template, but I cannot tell you what edits to make as I am not familiar with vBa CMPS. Look at the HTML source for the one page, and make whatever edits are needed to the vB hell_blank template.

05-25-2008, 11:03 AM
i have the same problem. The design is with photoplog lite broken. I wonder, because even Hacks for 3.5 work accurate with vb 3.7 and vBCMS. It would be nice if this great gallery works with the vBCMS. Sorry Morgan for my bad english. I hope you can fix this problem although ;).
Greets, Micha

P.S.: Perhaps you can take a look here (http://www.vbdesigns.de/vbcms-fragen/falsche-modulposition-bei-photoplog-lite-7281.html) too.

05-27-2008, 12:02 AM
PhotoPlog Pro users see this (http://www.photoplog.com/forum/showpost.php?p=12843&postcount=32) post. PhotoPlog Lite users see below...

In the PhotoPlog Lite settings.php file move this:
Content visible to registered users only.
To after this:
Content visible to registered users only.
Then import the attached file via the ACP.

Note: the attached file used to work for PhotoPlog Pro users and may or may not work for PhotoPlog Lite users. If it does not work, then please see post two (http://www.photoplog.com/forum/showpost.php?p=15656&postcount=2).