View Full Version : Question about a Library please.

02-13-2008, 02:52 PM
Good day.
I'd like to make sure this can do what I need it to before my purchase please and thank you for looking.

I'd like to have one of the "sort" or "Organize" features in this by the State that the member lives in.

Simply put, if someone is looking for a picture from a member that is from New Jersey, he/she may scan thru the "New Jersey" catagory or "library" to view images before he ever contacts the member.

Thank you much.

02-13-2008, 09:11 PM
Not quite sure what you are asking, but the stock sort orders that are possible are Newest Uploads, Most Viewings, Highest Ratings, Most Comments, and Newest Comments. If you want to see what files a particular member uploaded, that is possible. Example: http://www.photoplog.com/demo/pro/index.php?u=1