03-26-2008, 09:03 PM
Hi all, thinking of getting Pro but have some questions.
I have a gaming website, with a review system being built from VBAdvanced Dynamics, and I wish to use PhotoPlog to store images used in the reviews and to have a kind of screenshots area to link to from each review (as well as a general area for people to upload images).
Tried all this using Lite with some image alignments from Borg's pack on VBorg, with and [imgr], seems to work ok but was incredibly limited for features, and hacking in a highslide did my head in and was buggy at best.
1.What I want is something like on gamespot.com when you view screenshots for a game, but with Pro you seem to get something [I]like that, as in you upload all the images together as a set and they all get listed under each image within the set which is nice, not sure if there's a limit to how many images that get placed underneath or if it would break fixed width forums or go to the next line and keep going down with every single image.
2.I also don't like how on the index, a category uses a thumb from another category that's say 5 deep. I first have Game Review Images, in there is say PC, in that will be every letter, and in each letter will be another category for every game reviewed (not exactly sure how the album thing works, as far as I could see it didn't serve a great purpose, unless maybe I could save on adding millions of categories and create an album for every game, no idea not looked into it too much), however an image from one of those games will be placed right on the index for the entire Game Review Images category, is there any way to turn off the thumbnail on a per category basis or set which one to use on each category? Or even turn off Thumb column only on the index but keep it on sub categories?
3.What I would also like to know is is it possible to create a stripped down copy of say index.php?n=xx, to show only the image and all other images from the set under it, but nothing else at all, no header, no comments, nothing at all, but have it totally separate as in clicking screen shots from within a review will take you there in a pop-up and be totally inaccessible from elsewhere, but still keep full functionality when browsing the album like normal from the index?
4.Finally (I think o_O) could someone please screen shot the Hacks & Modifications forum arranged by highest amount of posts or views at the top as I like to have the ability to mod and don't want to buy PhotoPlog just to find out that forum is full of nothing but people asking stupid questions and leave me stuck with barely any php knowledge and no way to do what I want, but actually has some decent mods that I could use? I think all forums should be available to everyone and just block unlicensed people from actually viewing the contents of the threads. Had a problem with another mod with this recently, hacks forum was full of many threads, I buy and find it's full of idiots not actually releasing mods and sell my license on.
Thanks for any info.
EDIT: One final thing, when setting display order of a category to 0 to not display it on the index etc, which is what I want to do for review images, the images still seem to be displayed in newest/random thumbs. I want all the images to be viewable by everyone, but have it so when in the actual gallery, no one can see or access them images/categories at all only being able to get in from links within reviews, being displayed on random/newest areas even after I choose to hide the actual category is no good for me, any way to fix this?
I have a gaming website, with a review system being built from VBAdvanced Dynamics, and I wish to use PhotoPlog to store images used in the reviews and to have a kind of screenshots area to link to from each review (as well as a general area for people to upload images).
Tried all this using Lite with some image alignments from Borg's pack on VBorg, with and [imgr], seems to work ok but was incredibly limited for features, and hacking in a highslide did my head in and was buggy at best.
1.What I want is something like on gamespot.com when you view screenshots for a game, but with Pro you seem to get something [I]like that, as in you upload all the images together as a set and they all get listed under each image within the set which is nice, not sure if there's a limit to how many images that get placed underneath or if it would break fixed width forums or go to the next line and keep going down with every single image.
2.I also don't like how on the index, a category uses a thumb from another category that's say 5 deep. I first have Game Review Images, in there is say PC, in that will be every letter, and in each letter will be another category for every game reviewed (not exactly sure how the album thing works, as far as I could see it didn't serve a great purpose, unless maybe I could save on adding millions of categories and create an album for every game, no idea not looked into it too much), however an image from one of those games will be placed right on the index for the entire Game Review Images category, is there any way to turn off the thumbnail on a per category basis or set which one to use on each category? Or even turn off Thumb column only on the index but keep it on sub categories?
3.What I would also like to know is is it possible to create a stripped down copy of say index.php?n=xx, to show only the image and all other images from the set under it, but nothing else at all, no header, no comments, nothing at all, but have it totally separate as in clicking screen shots from within a review will take you there in a pop-up and be totally inaccessible from elsewhere, but still keep full functionality when browsing the album like normal from the index?
4.Finally (I think o_O) could someone please screen shot the Hacks & Modifications forum arranged by highest amount of posts or views at the top as I like to have the ability to mod and don't want to buy PhotoPlog just to find out that forum is full of nothing but people asking stupid questions and leave me stuck with barely any php knowledge and no way to do what I want, but actually has some decent mods that I could use? I think all forums should be available to everyone and just block unlicensed people from actually viewing the contents of the threads. Had a problem with another mod with this recently, hacks forum was full of many threads, I buy and find it's full of idiots not actually releasing mods and sell my license on.
Thanks for any info.
EDIT: One final thing, when setting display order of a category to 0 to not display it on the index etc, which is what I want to do for review images, the images still seem to be displayed in newest/random thumbs. I want all the images to be viewable by everyone, but have it so when in the actual gallery, no one can see or access them images/categories at all only being able to get in from links within reviews, being displayed on random/newest areas even after I choose to hide the actual category is no good for me, any way to fix this?