View Full Version : Only One Img Displaying

04-16-2008, 02:53 AM
I did a test to make sure the images are displaying correctly, and they are, but they are only showing one picture at a time under the Random Thumbs. Pls assist this non-coder.


04-17-2008, 03:55 PM

04-17-2008, 09:26 PM
Thanks for the reply, but I see it in 2 areas. Do I remove the query in both areas?

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and lastly....I read this thread http://www.photoplog.com/forum/showthread.php?t=565

but I see similar wording already in the plugin. Does this thread no longer apply meaning is this standard now?

Thx for answering all my questions.

04-18-2008, 01:15 PM
Of the two code boxes you posted, remove $photoplog_rand_sql from the second one.

04-18-2008, 05:29 PM
Thx for you fast reply. I'll make that change now. Also, sorry to not fully understand, but can you answer the second question in thread #3? Thx again for your help.:)

[edit] I made the change, but it's still only showing 3 images and there are 8 total. Thx

04-21-2008, 04:23 PM
Check whether you have any files in moderation, as they don't show in the strip of thumbnails. The other thread should still apply, but you'll need some PHP coding experience to make the change to the plugin.

04-21-2008, 10:32 PM
thx again 4 ur reply. There aren't any files to moderate. As for the other thing, I'm not a coder so I'll leave it alone.

04-23-2008, 05:49 PM
Sorry, but it's still only showing a row of 3 images. :confused: FYI - there hasn't been any changes or anything - it's newly installed.

04-23-2008, 06:43 PM
The following query is in the PhotoPlog Forum Home Thumbs plugin located at the forumhome_complete hook:
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If you removed the line in bold red, and have no files in moderation, then at most five random thumbnails are retrieved and set into the $photoplog_forumhome variable. That query is all that controls how many random thumbnails are retrieved. If you want more than five thumbnails, change 5 to whatever positive integer you prefer. If you are using some type of caching modification, you might check to see whether it is caching old results.

04-23-2008, 08:43 PM
Thanks for the reply, but I did as you stated in the previous replies, and this one. Pls see the attachments. Thx.

454 455 456

04-24-2008, 05:15 AM
The query says, "Get five random items that are not in moderation." There isn't an error in the query, and assuming there are no files in moderation, the only other thing I can think of is that maybe you have a cache type add-on. The change you made looks find, and there is nothing in the code that needs to be fixed. Something else seems to be interfering with the results. One thing you can try is to run the following query in phpMyAdmin and see whether you get five results:
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05-27-2008, 07:27 PM
I had put this on the back burner, but now I'm working on it again. I got this msg when I ran the query. Content visible to registered users only.


05-28-2008, 03:47 PM
Add your PhotoPlog table prefix (found in the photoplog_prefix.php file) to the photoplog_fileuploads table name and then run the query.

06-12-2008, 10:15 PM
Sorry I keep coming back to this. I ran the query and it was fine. Glad to report that 5 thumbs are now showing, but sometimes they do sometimes they are completely gone.:(

How can I get it to constantly show images.:confused: Currently I have 10 uploaded.

Pls help. Thx for the other assistance.

06-13-2008, 01:13 AM
The 'PhotoPlog Forum Home Thumbs' plugin is coded to avoid a full table scan, so it is possible that less that five thumbs show, especially for small galleries. You'll need to edit the plugin and remove the line in bold red, but that also removes the reduction in examined rows, so if the gallery ever gets big, you should put the line back:
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06-14-2008, 05:08 AM
Still not working with or without the line. Here's the entire code. All 5 thumbs will show at once, but if you refresh they all disappear. I do have some empty categories, but that shouldn't make a difference right? BTW the thumbs is located in the main gallery. Here a link to my site to get a better understanding PSO (https://www.publicstuffonline.com/forums/photoplog/index.php). Thx.

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06-14-2008, 11:21 AM
You didn't remove the variable. See the red bit in the below quote.
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06-15-2008, 01:40 AM
Thanks for the response...It's like when you take a car in to be fixed...

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I did remove it, then I put it back to see if that would make a difference, but it didn't. So I have removed it again, and still it either shows or removes photos entirely. Thx for the help you're providing.

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06-16-2008, 05:11 AM
The code is fine. The only other things I can think of for you to check are as follows:

There are no files in moderation
The PhotoPlog Forum Home Thumbs plugin is active
The $photoplog_forumhome variable is in vB FORUMHOME template for the skin you are using

Nothing else comes to mind, so if it's not one of those things, I'm not sure what else to offer up for suggestions.

06-19-2008, 03:56 AM
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Thanks for the check. Replies to your thoughts:
1. None
2. Yes
3. The photos aren't in forumhome, I'm referring to the actual product page. Please see here (http://www.publicstuffonline.com/forums/photoplog/index.php). If they do happen to show, refresh your window a couple of times to see what I mean how they disappear.

BTW, this is the original vb I just changed the colors in the template itself.

Thx for the help.

06-19-2008, 04:42 AM
For the gallery page, remove $photoplog_rand_sql from the PhotoPlog settings.php file.