View Full Version : Upload Function Of Photoblog - Question

02-05-2009, 04:13 PM
1st ) question, if u create an album "Animals" in Photoblog and it creates a folder on the FTP server where all the Photos are stored.

Let say a different user/admin upload photos to this album via Webinterface... where will those pictures be stored on the FTP?

Will those picture be stored in the same location on the server I created, e.g. an folder animals? - Coppermine didnt!

In the end I would love to have all Animal photos in the same physical location on the server, ftp...

2nd )

Is there a Batch Upload function, where I upload on FTP into the right folder and refresh and new pictures get recognized?

02-05-2009, 05:34 PM
1: Files are stored on the server based on userid not category name. If userid X and userid Y upload a file to the same category, then the two files would be in the respective userid directories.

2: There is an FTP Import option, assuming you give your usergroup permission to use it, whereby you FTP the individual files you want to upload into the directory told to you on the upload page.