View Full Version : File List and Random Thumbnails Images missing

01-17-2006, 05:13 PM
I have intermittent missing thumbnails on the File List and Random image block. Visiting a page different multiple times will result in different missing thumbnails each time. Sometimes one specific image will show up, other times the same thumbnail will not appear.

All the thumbnail image files definitely do exist (in the file folders) and when I click the link for the original image, all the original images always display normally. The /images and images/small folder permissions are 777.

I'm running new install (not upgrade) on vB 3.5.3.

Attached is one shot from Firefox and one from IE.

Is there anything I can do to get all the thumbnails to show up?

Or is this possibly a server configuration issue? If so, what settings should I ask my host about?

Thanks for your help and thanks for creating Photoplog.

01-17-2006, 10:41 PM
It almost looks like a timeout issue. Are you running PHP in safe mode?

01-18-2006, 01:07 AM
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Thanks for your reply.

No, safmode is off according to phpinfo.

apache settings:

Max Requests Per Child: 0 - Keep Alive: on - Max Per Connection: 50
Timeouts Connection: 150 - Keep-Alive: 15

The odd thing is that I have a dozen or more of the full-sized uploaded images displaying at once on my portal and they always show up, but I have consistent problems getting 5 or 10 small thumbnails to show up on the same page on the Photoplog pages.

Are there any other settings I should look for that might be causing this?

01-18-2006, 08:28 AM
Here are my settings:
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If you look at the HTML source for a broken image, do you see the correct link to the image?

01-18-2006, 11:36 AM
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Thanks, I'll see if my host is willing to adjust some server settings.

Yes, looking at the source, the code for all the images is there:

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And if I cut and paste that link into a new browser tab, the image does show up.

Can you suggest a way for me to have Photoplog output the actual path/filename of the thumbnails? I would be interested to see if it performs any better or differently on my server when pointing directly to the thumbnail images.

01-18-2006, 04:08 PM
My hosting account was suspended today. They claim that Photoplog was causing a server load of 15 and they were getting complaints from other sites hosted on the same server.

I have a relatively small forum, with maybe 20-30 members/guests on during busy times and they definitely were not uploading that many images.

I have my vBulletin Server Load Limit set to 6, so it might be nice if Photoplog could be limited by that as well.

For the time being my account has been unsuspended, with the understanding that I will remove Photoplog.

I really don't have any more information yet. I will share any relevant details.

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01-18-2006, 08:20 PM
The vB $servertoobusy variable is already part of vB's global.php file, so if your vB *NIX Server Load Limit setting works for you on your board, it automatically works in PhotoPlog, as PhotoPlog calls in vB's global.php file. If a) $servertoobusy is true, b) you are not a user who 'can control panel' and c) you are not using vB's login.php file, then you will see the 'server too busy' message and/or broken images. Assuming your vB *NIX Server Load Limit setting works, along with a), b) and c), then there is only a five second window, asssuming standard setup, in which a server load of 15 could come from vB or PhotoPlog before the script shuts down. In any case, I've knocked away some display files overhead. You can download PhotoPlog Lite v. here (http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/showthread.php?t=101368) assuming your host is willing to let you use it without fear of suspension.

01-19-2006, 04:54 PM
Thanks for the reply. For the time being, I'm going to try to make do with the vB attachment system and some template changes, which was okayed by my host. I'm on a shared server and with my recent move to vBulletin my site traffic is starting to pick up, so I don't want to risk any more suspensions right now.

They didn't give me any more detailed information about exactly what was causing the system to hang. It may just be a fluke combination of server settings, which I don't have much control over. And I don't think it's really something I can simulate or test on my local dev server.

Anyway, thanks for the help and good luck with PhotoPlog Pro.