View Full Version : PhotoPlog : Uploading

06-10-2009, 05:38 PM
Hello : Photoplogs

i got the mod finaly working

ok : i have more than 900,000 renders and wallpapers i want to upload my hole gallery to my Photoplog but i can't i have to upload one by one lol

how i can upload my hole gallery from my external hardrive to my ftp because i check the files the one i upload for testing the mod but i see the upload make like 3 folders and the orinal is on the same spat

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06-10-2009, 11:06 PM
The lite version does not have a multi-file upload option. As information is added to the PhotoPlog MySQL tables during upload, you cannot just FTP the files to the server. You'd need to write some code to import that many files. Try uploading one file the regular way and then look at the PhotoPlog MySQL tables to see what information was added and that should help with writing some custom code to know what needs to get added to the PhotoPlog MySQL tables. For the differently sized thumbnail directories, you'd need to write some other code to create the thumbnails from the original files as you're not going to be wanting to upload that many files one by one.

06-11-2009, 01:39 AM
can u please help me how to add the code please i don't realy no to much about coding please i want to upload my galerry but nat one by one

06-15-2009, 03:08 PM
Sorry, but providing custom code, while I have sometimes done it for smaller items to help out, really falls outside the realm of support, though you might be able to find someone on vBorg to make the changes for you.