View Full Version : What is wrong with the PhotPlog_lite

10-28-2009, 06:58 PM
What is the difference between the photoplog_lite and the photoplog_pro and how much does it cost? I installed the photopro_lite but I cannot launch it, it redirectes me to login every time, even though I am already login. I don’t know what I did wrong in the installation; it was installed successfully. If the pro is a better product, where do I buy it?

11-03-2009, 04:23 PM
For lite login problems, see this (http://www.photoplog.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1206) thread. Pro fees and pricing are listed on this (http://www.photoplog.com/download/index.php) page, and purchases can be made from this (http://www.photoplog.com/forum/payments.php) page.