View Full Version : Bad Open - Cannot Open the images Directory for Writing

07-24-2006, 04:31 PM
Hi, I have searched the forum, and tried all of the different things that the threads state to do:

When uploading, I get the Bad Open error.
1) I have checked, double checked, and triple checked the CHMOD settings on the photoplog/images directory.
2) I checked the path to make sure it's correct
3) I used the method of taking the @ of the fopen in the edit/upload.php files to see error messages, but that did not take me very far either.

I'm stuck now. Any suggestions?

07-24-2006, 07:11 PM
A Bad Open Error results in writing the PhotoPlog Index file. This means: PhotoPlog can't write the Index.php file because of failed upload of a picture. Then you will get an error message like Bad Open - Cannot Open the images Directory for Writing

I'm positive your '\images' folder not being writeable. I'd check this and all folders inside to have the correct permissions! I'm sure your problem is kinda messed up with the correct given path:

Content visible to registered users only.
PhotoPlog Permissions
Check available permissions for...
both '/tmp' and '/images' directories
ACP Forum Permissions (Can Upload Files?)to see whether PhotoPlog is allowed to get access in both Dir's.

PhotoPlog Server Path
Are you absolute sure that the entered path within PhotoPlog Settings is correct?
PHP Forum Path
Another way would be: Try to check out your Forum Path of your site. All you have to do is as follows...

Copy the following into a file named 'mypath.php' or whatever you want to name.
Content visible to registered users only.
Now FTP it into your Main Forum Directory, then call it from your browser, like: http://www.your_site.com/mypath.php and it should tell you immediately your current Forum Server Path.

Did you try this way of $photoplog_handle (http://www.photoplog.com/forum/showthread.php?t=360)? See Morgan's Post #2!

If all ways won't help you I think it's time to give us your PhotoPlog Path of your forum. I'm sure we can fix it ;) -Mike

07-25-2006, 02:48 PM
Thanks for all the things to try. When I get a second I will try those and update you on my progress. I appreciate all the examples you've given me.

07-25-2006, 04:14 PM
No problem at all, renae. I know this feeling when somethings won't works as it should be. As I Installed at the 1st time the Pro version I needed really some hours to get it worked. I tried really all but the Pro version would not work. Later I noticed that the server path was totally incorrect. Then I tried it again and it would not work. Then I found the damn ending slash. After then it worked. My god what a ride of hell. I thought to get a nervous breakdown. Sometimes hard for me not to see the forest for the trees :D :o -Mike

08-22-2006, 02:41 PM
Hi Mike, I just wanted to let you know that I finally fixed the problem. I've been busy and haven't had a chance to actually figure this out.

I went through all your steps and still couldn't figure out the problem.

So I decided to try to go through the .php upload file and see what it's doing. I finally saw what the problem was. The upload path in the ACP was wrong. I had /forum/photoplog/images --> guess I didn't read the directions there. I noticed it when I removed the @ on the fopen. It was double writing /forum/photoplog/images. It took me a little while, but I figured it out.

Thanks for the help, your steps helped me to figure out what my problem was. (Guess my mom is right, no matter how much I say I hate programming, it's in my blood! She's been a COBOL programmer him whole life...Right now I use Python)