View Full Version : EXIF feature suggestion

09-30-2006, 09:40 PM
I'm greatly enjoying Photoplog so far- it's by far the best photo gallery for vB out there! However, I think that the addition of the feature below would make it appeal to webmasters running professional-photography websites.

It would be really nice to see an EXIF reader in the next major release of PhotoPlog. The image's vital EXIF data (if available, including shutter speed, aperture, and focal lengths) should be read and posted along with all the other fields on the image display page, and the system should be automated so that the EXIF fields are only added if the data is present within the image. I've seen the Coppermine gallery post exif data, so it should also be possible in PhotoPlog.

Also, photo ratings should not be linked with comments, IMO. There should be an option that lets you separate comments from ratings.

10-01-2006, 04:22 AM
Thanks for the feedback. :)

Not sure about including EXIF fields, as those fields can be set in the pro version by way of the custom fields. The ability to vote without commenting will be included in the next release, release date undetermined at this point. If interested, there is a list in this (http://www.photoplog.com/forum/showpost.php?p=7851&postcount=1) post of things to come in the next version.

10-01-2006, 04:51 AM
Hi Morgan,

Thanks for the reply :)

The advantage with EXIF is that it would be automated, and info such as camera, shutter speed, and aperture could be displayed without troubling the user. This has been suggested many times over by people on my site, as they love looking at photo technique :)

I'm looking forward to 2.1.2 :D

10-01-2006, 05:16 AM
Ah, good point about EXIF. Not sure I'll get it in for pro v.2.1.2 but maybe for another future release.