View Full Version : PhotoPlog Lite v.1.0.7 Released

02-17-2006, 03:44 AM
The 'PhotoPlog Directory' is now the 'PhotoPlog Link' and calls for an actual http:// link. The 'Duplicate Directory' has gone the way of the wind. In its place are the 'Relative Links' and 'Absolute Links' where you are to specify corresponding relative and absolute links. Further, there is a new 'Global Variables' where you can add variable names from other vB mods, if they don't show in PhotoPlog.

Why was it changed? There are just too many different ways to consider (e.g., skins, CMS, mods, etcetera) where an automatic linking function, like the old photoplog_absolute_links function, ran into problems (e.g., linking to the wrong location, duplicate directory issues, subdomains, etcetera).

PhotoPlog Lite v.1.0.7 has been coded so you set what and where to link. Granted it's sort of a PITA to do it the first time, but it'll be remembered once you do it, and it should prove to be a more flexible solution, in that you shouldn't need to edit code or templates in order to get absolute links.

If you downloaded PhotoPlog Lite v.1.0.7 prior to the date of this post, check your PhotoPlog settings via the vB ACP for the following:

Relative Links:
Content visible to registered users only.
Absolute Links:
Content visible to registered users only.

Of course change:
Content visible to registered users only.
To match with your site.

If the three settings listed above are not in your PhotoPlog settings, then just add 'em, and remember, line X to line X. Want more? Check your HTML source. ;)

02-17-2006, 10:01 PM
Tried to get 'em all, but missed another link. If you downloaded PhotoPlog Lite v.1.0.7 prior to the date of this post, check your PhotoPlog settings via the vB ACP for the following:

Relative Links:
Content visible to registered users only.
Absolute Links:
Content visible to registered users only.

Of course change:
Content visible to registered users only.
To match with your site.

If the setting listed above is not in your PhotoPlog settings, then just add it, and remember, line X to line X. HREFs, SRCs, etcetera, find more? Just add to the settings. ;)