View Full Version : PhotoPlog Lite v.1.0.9 Released

03-01-2006, 12:42 AM
PhotoPlog Lite v.1.0.9 has been released and is a query reduction release. There is an added ability to cache the main page categories, allowing for new uploads and comments, and code has been changed to reduce the number of queries. See the README.txt file for instructions.

FYI: When setting up main categories, you might want to consider fewer, rather than more, main categories. Though you can now cache the categories on the main page, depending on the length of time you set, the categories will be updated, requiring queries, sort of like a cron job.

03-01-2006, 04:03 AM
Oops, if you downloaded PhotoPlog Lite v.1.0.9 before the date of this post, then just download again, and FTP one file, photoplog_category.php, overwriting the old file located in the /forum/admincp directory.

The old photoplog_category.php file incorrectly handled nested category deletes, so be sure to make this change. The ZIP has been updated as of the date of this post.

03-01-2006, 04:14 PM
Some people are getting a MySQL error. To be rid of it, look for LIMIT 1; in the PhotoPlog categories.php file and remove the semicolon that appears after number one.

Even if you don't get the MySQL error, you should still make the change and remove the extraneous semicolon. The ZIP has been updated as of the date of this post.

03-02-2006, 12:36 AM
Some people are getting a couple of call-time pass-by-reference warnings. To be rid of them, make the two file edits shown in this (http://www.photoplog.com/forum/showpost.php?p=570&postcount=6) post to remove a couple of extraneous ampersands.

Even if you don't get the call-time pass-by-reference warnings, you should still make the changes to remove the extraneous ampersands. The ZIP has been updated as of the date of this post.