View Full Version : Another - Cannot See It Thread

The Bish
02-13-2007, 08:57 AM
I think I have read all threads relating to my issue but still cannot seem to locate the problem.

The instructions were followed to the T and to be honest were so easy I am pretty embarrased for posting this.

Anyway at my forum Prosper-Living (http://prosper-living.com) I cannot see the end product on my forum or in my member info screen. I have set all my ACP settings so that anyone and everyone should be able to see it and use it in some sort of fashion. All files were uploaded to the appropriate directories... I cannot see one item left unturned.

Any help would be appreciated.

The Bish
02-13-2007, 03:06 PM
OK so I am viewing Users Online and see that someone is in PhotoPlog... I click on the PhotoPlog link and low and behold it is there!!! Why can I not see it?

Looks great by the way!!

02-13-2007, 03:07 PM
When I go to prosper-living.com/photoplog/ I see a login screen. This tells me that guests cannot view the gallery, so try going to the Usergroup Manager -> Edit Usergroup and double check the PhotoPlog permissions. Also check whether there are any files awaiting moderation.

If you want to add thumbs to forum home or member info, check number three in the main readme file, near the end of the file. For a navbar link, see post two of the lite release thread.

The Bish
02-13-2007, 03:16 PM
You know now that I followed you in the back way I have uploaded photos and can see it just fine. All my permissions are set to view. When I followed the same URL last night I was getting SQL Db errors, 3 to be exact, same as another got here in a different thread. However, how you walked him through it did not work for me.

Anyway, I can see it now as I suspect everyone else can. This is great my friend!

Best Regards!

The Bish
02-13-2007, 03:25 PM
Hey if I add $photoplog_xyz to any templet will it display the images on that page?

02-13-2007, 03:38 PM
Glad it is working. The default $photoplog_xyz variables work on forum home and member info only, though you might find other threads around here for alternative types of display.