The problem is with the Advanced Quick Links modification. It doesn't set $links_groups to be an array unless you are viewing the adv_quick_links.php file. As such you get a "
wrong datatype for second argument" error because $links_groups is a string instead of an array. Keep
links_groups in the PhotoPlog Global Variables setting, and add this to a plugin located at the global_start hook:
Content visible to registered users only.
Otherwise, remove (not comment out, actually remove) the following from the navbar template:
Content visible to registered users only.
When you gets errors like this, it is my opinion that you should fix them instead of hide them by turning off error reporting. You never know what new errors you are going to get in the future, especially with the amount of modifications you install. If you just go and hide errors, you might wind up with a pile of foo and that could turn into a debugging nightmare when you really need to fix something.